Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Natural and Free - Specializing in Sisterlocks™/Brotherlocks™

It's Sisterlocks business is up and ready to receive new clients in the Northwest Indiana/Chicago area (including suburbs). I am currently offering introductory specials on Sisterlocks™/Brotherlocks™ installations and re-tightenings. I also provide mobile services to my clients. That means...I travel to you!!! For more information on pricing and services, please visit my website at

If you are interested in scheduling a consultation, please email me at!!!

"BE NATURAL, BE FREE"!!! Contact me today for your consultation!!! I provide the utmost attention, courtesy and level of service!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Milwaukee Sisterlocks Training Class (October 3-6, 2009)

I am bubbling over with excitement because I just completed the Sisterlocks Training Course in Milwaukee, Wisconsin!!! Celeste Geary was our Master Trainer and she was awesome...she trained us well! She's Dr. JoAnne Cornwell's sister. I met some of the most wonderful ladies while I was there. I hope to keep in touch with them all.

I am totally excited about getting my Sisterlocks business underway and giving men, women and children beautiful locks!!! I've become attached to Kisha, my mannequin head, given to me at the Sisterlocks course to practice with. I've been practicing like crazy...LOL. I want to make sure I perfect the technique, in order to produce quality Sisterlocks/Brotherlocks.

I am working on finishing up my website and getting things ready to start doing Sisterlocks. Stay tuned!!!

Below are a few more pictures from the Milwaukee Sisterlocks Training.

Happiest Nappy (Alisa), Me, and Pearl

Happiest Nappy (Alisa) and Me

Me and My Wonderful Master Trainer Celeste Geary

Meet Kisha...My Mannequin Head...LOL

Check Out My Work On The Mannequin Head!!!

Locked Down In Chi-Town Sisterlocks Group (My Pics)

My Devotional Podcast - Spiritual Eyes Ministry Devotional Podcast