Monday, August 25, 2008

The Birth Of My Sisterlocks - August 24, 2008

I'm bubbling with excitement over finally being Sisterlocked. My installation was from August 22nd - August 24th. Labor lasted 27 hours over 3 days and my Sisterlocks were finally delivered on August 24th, 2008 at 10:00pm. I would like to thank my Sisterlocks consultant, Shirley Bobbitt, for working diligently on my hair and starting me on my Sisterlocks journey. After the installation was complete, I went home, rolled my hair with Lock Loops, and went to bed. The next day, I removed the Lock Loops, finger-combed my hair, and put on a headband. That's it...took less than 5 minutes!!! I can't believe I'm Sisterlocked...still trying to soak all of this in!!!! I can't wait to see all of the transformations my Sisterlocks will go through...I love my Sisterlocks...let the journey begin!!!


Khandi said...

Welcome to the family and enjoy your journey.
Loving the curls

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I love the curls I will be getting my babies soon an can't wait. I am from the UK so I don't know if I will be able to get the loops but I will definitely try now that I have seen your curls. Keep us posted as I will be following your journey like a stalker. LOL

Ro~ said...

YEAH!!!! Congratultions & welcome to the family!

CarmenNC said...

Congratulations. Shirley did a grand installation.

luvlockd said...

congratulations! your locks are adorable! i had my locks installed in june and only wish i had done it sooner...

anthia-ofo said...

Oooh they're lovely.... Sooo tiny.

naturalnicky said...

Your hair looks just beautiful Kiki. Your consultant did a great job. Enjoy the journey as I am already enjoying mine. Keep us updated on your progress.

leightred said...

Congratulations, Kiki and welcome to the SL journey. Hey girl, us being in Indiana and all we should start a SL gals and guys evening out or something.LOL Seriously

Natural And Free (Naturally KiKi) said...

Thanks everyone for the congrats!!! I am loving my Sisterlocks...just wish I had started the journey sooner!!!

Locked Down In Chi-Town Sisterlocks Group (My Pics)

My Devotional Podcast - Spiritual Eyes Ministry Devotional Podcast